Christine Gallaire


"Attivare l'intelligenza emotiva per generare scelte di successo –
Un coaching che connette talenti, intenzioni e azioni per dei risultati potenti"

I miei clienti si liberano da ciò che li limita, scelgono comportamenti più efficaci ed esprimono il loro pieno potenziale… in sintonia con chi sono e i loro valori.


Raggiungere i loro scopi più velocemente, ottenere il massimo dal loro team e costruire delle relazioni positive e significative… per una vita ancora più appagante.

Così supporto i miei clienti nelle fasi di transizione: integrazione, ruolo-squadra-perimetro allargati; li aiuto a superare le criticità - problemi di team, dinamiche complesse con i pari, sfide.


COME COACH? Il livello più alto di certificazione come Master Certified Coach (MCC) e più di 3.400 ore di executive coaching.

COME ex MANAGER? Ho guidato con successo team di marketing in tutta Europa: conosco quindi bene le dinamiche fra filiali locali e HQ, tra il marketing, le vendite, il manufacturing e l’R & D. Decodifico facilmente le relazioni cross-culturali (esperienza con più di 20 paesi).


Una leadership di maggiore influenza, una delega più efficace, dei collaboratori più motivati, delle strategie di impatto, meno conflitti, una collaborazione proficua, una comunicazione fluida, maggiore appagamento, più consapevolezza dei propri talenti.


Un approccio decisamente umano, reciproco e coinvolgente
Un approccio strutturato e flessibile con un processo chiaro in 3 fasi.
Un approccio concreto, orientato alla sperimentazione e all’azione.
Una co-partnership attiva, mirata e stimolante!


Empatica, sfidante, cordiale. Apprezzano il mio ottimismo, la mia perseveranza e la mia vicinanza emotiva. Spesso notano il mio intuito perspicace che apre nuove scenari verso il successo.


Food & Beverages | Cosmetica| Plastica| Telecomunicazioni| Automotives|Metalmeccanica| GDO distrib.| Farmaceutico| Ottica|Assicurazioni| Banche| Moda& Lusso


Filiali di multinazionali oppure HQ. Aziende in fase di passaggio generazionale.


Leadership, executive presence, relazioni con i pari, dinamiche interfunzionali, empowerment collaboratori, strategia & visione, performance di team.




CEO, CFO, COO, CTO, CDO| Direttori Marketing , Brand, Sales, TM, R&D| |Manager in Customer Service, Produzione, Engineering, Marketing, Key Account, Acquisti, Investor Relations, Qualità, Supply Chain, R&D


Executive Master in Business e Strategia (presso Il Sole 24 Ore), «Coaching for Leadership» at INSEAD, “Corporate Coaching” presso CoachU Italia, “Marshall Goldsmith Centered Coaching”, percorso certificato di Mentor-Coaching.


  • I’ve had the opportunity to know Christine through a personal coaching program. Her ability to guide you towards discovering new insights, her flexibility to adapt to your pace of discovery, and experience in crafting effective behavioral strategies, have been a fantastic help to navigate successfully a challenging period of transition. Fantastic person and amazing professional.
    Gabriele Giudici
    CFO Chief Financial Officer at Heineken
  • I met Christine during a personal couching program. It was a significant journey inside myself, extremely helpful in discovering my strenghts and managing my hurdles. Her extraordinary flexibility and open and concret approach gave me new tangible instruments to drive my professional way in a critical moment. The time spent together was really nice. ! I hope our paths cross again
    Roberta De Vecchi
    Medical Franchise Head - Novartis
  • With Christine I have done individual coaching and cross-functional projects involving multiple departments. She is a successful coach because she helps you identify and leverage on your strengths, but also helps you to improve what is not effective. She is challenging and enjoyable at the same time. If you get into the game the results will be visible to everyone!
    Michela Conterno
    CEO at LATI Industria Termoplastici S.p.A.
  • My journey through the coaching provided by Christine has allowed me to grow both as a leader and a manager. Christine has a great capability to analyze your strengths and weaknesses. She is, with a systematic method,working with you to develop your approach interacting with your team as well as increasing your efficiency in bringing your view and ideas to your managers. Thanks also to the multicultural environment she has been working in for many years, we have been able to address the complexity of multicultural relationships together in a real efficient manner.It is also Thanks to her contribution I have been able to get more responsibilities.
    Matthieu Sejourne
    VP AG Brands
  • Christine è una professionista seria e fortemente orientata al risultato. Non perde di vista l’obiettivo riesce a mantenere alta l’attenzione per il raggiungimento dello scopo a cui si vuole arrivare. È di grande supporto e riesce ad aiutarti a rendere più semplice e schematica l’attività da perseguire con suggerimenti o ragionamenti che ti aiutano a individuare il giusto approccio. Ho avuto un buon feeling fin da subito e la consiglio a tutti coloro che vogliono avere una esperienza di coaching!
    Isabella D'Addetta
    Global account Director presso INTERCOS S.P.A.
  • Christine has been working for Lindt since the last 6 years as Coach and key training partner both for the top managers and for the key people of our organization. She helped us in a very professional way at improving the natural positive attitudes and weak areas of our managers. She has also played a key role at organizing and conducting our training pillar 'Leadership program' for our best managers. She is very smart at understanding the different dynamics inside the organization while the past business experience in the commercial area helps her a lot in her works as coach
    Marco Mossuto
    Human Resources Director - Executive MBA
  • Anytime we as managers meet an executive coach to discuss a program, the key point we have in mind is only one: what's the added value this can generate for our company? Christine is the kind of consultant who can clear your doubts with facts: when working with my team, she was not focusing on buzz words or emotional concepts but she could quickly understand where the blocks in cooperation were and unlock the potential of people facilitating their mutual relationships. Pragmatic, balanced and with a profound business acumen, Christine is the person you would have to work with you when you need to bring your team to the next step.
    Marcello Bergamini
    General Manager Europe at Fagron
  • Andrea Corda
    Christine is a valuable partner that helped me in addressing important topics related to change in my Organization. She has an extremely good network of internation partners and professionals. Thanks to that I've been able to connect my Team with subject matter experts to support the process of change on specific areas. She has also demonstrated good capabilities in coaching key talents in the Organization with successful results.
    Andrea Corda
    SVP - Global Connectivity & Technology at Electrolux
  • I had the pleasure to meet Christine when she acted as coach for one of my key collaborators. Christine is a professional coach with a natural talent for developping people. She combines a deep set of professional skills with the needed touch for reading inside human beings. Very good listener, maintains the approach of helping people grow within the surrounding environment. I can witness the tangible effects her work did on my people.
    Giuliano Spaggiari
    Group Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer presso SPAL Group
  • Ho avuto modo di collaborare con Christine per la formazione manageriale di alcune figure specifiche, nell'ambito commerciale , assistenza tecnica e marketing: i riscontri sono sempre stati altamente positivi; Grande capacità di ascolto, di cogliere problemi e soluzioni, di guidare verso nuove strategie di azione. In un caso , il seminario che l'ha vista come docente, ha generato un progetto di miglioramento ancora in atto, con due gruppi di lavoro su tutta Italia.
    Federica Grazioli
    Human Resources Manager
  • Vorrei mettere in evidenza l'esperienza collaborativa che abbiamo avuto con Christine Gallaire in ambito di coaching. Christine ha seguito 3 miei collaboratori in un percorso di consapevolezza e crescita professionale arrivando a delineare la strada da percorrere per migliorare le capacità e le attitudini necessarie per essere più efficaci.
    Andrea Boldrin
    HR Director



Executive Master in Business e Strategia (presso Il Sole 24 Ore),
«Coaching for Leadership» at INSEAD,
“Corporate Coaching” presso CoachU Italia,
“Marshall Goldsmith Centered Coaching”,
percorso certificato di Mentor-Coaching.